Posted by faraaz Monday, December 22, 2008 0 comments

Pink Ribbon Overload: There is No Escape


Congratulations to our friend Ashlee, who managed to snap a picture of the elusive pink ribbon tiny hair tongs.  Speaking from experience, I’d say these might come in particularly handy when you finally decide that no amount of mascara is going to make your two remaining eyelashes look like a full set.


  And then there’s this.  What is it, you ask?  Well, DUH!  It’s a thing to hold your spoon for you, silly!  Because really, who has time to hold their own spoon anymore?  Sheesh!  Next thing you know you’ll be telling me you expect me to actually makemy own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!  Notice also, the pink ribbon coffee to the right of the spoon holder thingies.  See what I mean, folks?  There is no escape. Don’t be tryin’ to forget you’ve got The Cancer during the month of October.   Ain’t gonna happen.

 Finally, we have some mighty pink earphones.  Now, I’m actually kinda diggin’ these things.  At least they’re bright pink, and not all pastel, wimpy pink.  Besides, when you’re wearing them, you wouldn’t actually be able to see them to be reminded about your cancer.

 Tomorrow is it—the end of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I’ve saved a few of my favorites for tomorrow’s post, so check back then.  And thanks to everyone who submitted photos—you guys made it way more fun than it would have been if it were just me.

Pink Ribbon Overload: If You Can’t Take the Pink, Get Out of the Kitchen

Sometimes, pink ribbon products sneak home unnoticed.  I present Exhibit A: The Pink Ribbon Broccoli.  I picked this up at the store on Friday, but didn’t notice until Monday that it’s breast cancer broccoli.  Mmmmm!  That sounds almost as yummy as Tanya’s breast cancer soup!  If I can find some pink ribbon Velveeta, we’d be all set for some breast cancer broccoli cheese soup.


We also have Exhibit B: The rare albino pink ribbon edition Kitchen Aid Mixer, as submitted by Jennifer.  I say rare because Kitchen Aid is well known for its pink, really, really pink product line.   Jennifer noted, If you weren’t paying attention, you wouldn’t even realize the ribbon was there, no pink mixer, no excessive pinkness on the box….Maybe this is the way to do it, you can feel good about the pink ribbon purchase, but aren’t constantly reminded about the cancer every time you use it.  And, if you are gift-giving, it can be kind of like, ‘I donated to the pink ribbon in your name, and I got you this mixer as a token of their appreciation.’  Kind of like Save the Whales, but with the added advantage of a mixer instead of a paper certificate.” 


 Hey, I’m all for free kitchen gadgets.  Now all I need is that ribbon shaped cake pan

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